Friday, May 20, 2011

Breaking and Entering...Into My Own Minivan!!

It was a typical day in midwest homeschooling-finished-for-the-year-now-let's-do something-fun-ville. Some of those days include all points of interest shifting drastically. Last week held one of those days.
I had planned to work in a library visit with the kids, then run some small errands (which may appear small, but with all six kids...even well-behaved...except the 3 year generally becomes bigger than said task seems). Everyone pottied (yes, I like that word..almost Old English as it rolls off the tongue) and were getting shoes on when the call to war was sounded.
"Mom! The van is locked!"
Sweat immediately forms on my brow at these words. I panic inwardly, then try to calm myself. It's's okay...surely he means that the keys are not in the van and it is just locked. Yes, that must be it. whew!
"Mom! The keys are in the van!"
I try for outward calm as I head up from the basement to the garage. This is not good. How am I going to....spare keys! Yes! I bought spare keys! (perhaps now would be a good time to say that I had to call road service to my GARAGE before....twice.) I knew I had spare keys!! So, I try to remember where I put the spare keys so that if we were out somewhere, then they would be on me in case the door was accidentally locked.
The backpack! That was where they were! "Kids," I call out. "Where is the diaper bag backpack?"
"It's in the van...behind your seat."
Slowly....anger replaces any attempts at calm. "Who was playing with the doors and locked them?" Of course, this is when the Not ME! monster from the cartoon 'Family Circus' is unveiled. I stare at six pairs of eyes.
Even Katie has the sense to remain mum. "Okay." I am super-frustrated now. "Everyone in the house. We are not going anywhere until I fix this."
I call my hubby and pray that by some moment of dumb luck he actually has the spare keys.
I realize, with a sense of defeat, that staring down the keys will not be sufficient and I will have to call my auto insurance agent. The phone is ringing.
*sigh* "Hi, Dad."
"What's up?"
...I'm sure you know what I said. So, dad being Dad, encourages me in my resistance to call by giving me some sound advice. "Can you get a crowbar in between the door and van body?"
To put it briefly, I had a crowbar, a screwdriver, and a straightened hanger involved in my madness...for an hour. In a 90+ degree garage, I was sweating with my dad on the speakerphone encouraging me for about 10 minutes....I decided when the tongue is getting closer to the confessional that I need to hang up with dad...first. So, I tell him I will work on it. Calmly walk my sweaty self and lock the door to the house (the kids are wisely hiding from me anyhow) and unleash the beast. I did, try to keep it to old school speak...way old school....
You puffed-up mushroom!
Loathesome Popinjay!
Jumped up pinchpenny nipfarthing!
It was in those moments that I, once again, truly knew that my thoughts that I had become a more patient person withered like dust in the wind. Oh Lord, how well you know me!
Well, least to say, I did get the door pulled away and managed to carefully get the tip of the bent hanger on the unlock release. I pushed.
That hanger bent like an over-cooked noodle.
White dots danced in my vision. They may have been sweat or utter defeat, but there they were.
I would have to call road service....and remove all evidence of my folly before they arrive!
I call road service. They ask for my policy number.
It's in the van, too.
I call my agent back and the ball is rolling. 45 minutes.
A group of young men get out of a vehicle in front of my house with some equipment that looks like and inflatable bath pillow and a fencing epee. They ask for my driver's license for verification. It is in the house. I turn to get it and open the door where my 3 year-old is wailing. A wave of crying and my 2 little guys yelling in a sword fight envelops the garage. The three young men look shocked into stillness for a moment before one of them speaks up.
"Never mind."
In the 30 seconds following that declaration, the door was unlocked.
Just like that.
I definitely need to get me a set of those thing-a-ma-jiggers.
And maybe a glass of wine, too.
And perhaps another spare key....

Monday, April 25, 2011

Alleluia! He has Risen as He Said!...and he created bacon!

Thank you, God, for this past Lenten season.
Thank you, Jesus, for dying on the cross for us.
Thank you for the blessings and enrichment that our sacrifice brought this Lent and the resulting fruits of that challenge.
I have seen, generally in retrospect, how God used me and the prayers we offered while offering up our meatlessness this Lent. Wow! I must say, the smallest sacrifice is not ignored. It is used for the greater good. And I have seen Divine Intervention at work again and again.
How blessed we are.
I must add, though......that the bacon on Easter morning was DIVINE tasting!!!!! : )

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thought of the Day...

Well, today, I want to be living IN the dryer.
By myself.
Ok.....maybe with a book and.....a box of Trader Joe's Chocolates.
That's all.
Oh.....and a light.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lenten Outlook~Week 4

Well, we are still intact after being meatless during this week four since Ash Wednesday. I am thankful to say that my husband and children are all faring better than I had expected (note that 'cereal' is still a common dinner. *sigh*) There will be no vegetarian cookbook efforts coming from my kitchen anytime in the near future.
This morning, I was reading an article in the 'St. Louis Review', which is our Catholic Diocesan newspaper, about the origin of our sacrifice of being 'meatless' and the nature of fasting. It was very inspiring and historically the fast included, to all who were healthy, eating NOTHING all day on Wednesday (the day of Jesus' betrayal) and also on Fridays (the day of His Passion on the Cross). Over the years, the fast and sacrifice has altered to the standards the Church allows today.
It was an eye-opening day for me to ponder that any sacrifice, as dear St. Therese of Lisieux taught, offered with great love makes a great difference. I am attempting to do that. And believe me, that promise is when I realize my weak humanity.
So, it is the hope and the love that Jesus gave to us from the Cross that provides me with the strength, give up this little bit of my life for a brief time.....even if it is in the form of cereal...and look forward Easter.
Just in case there is any interest, I am adding a link to the article in the St. Louis Review.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lenten Workout

Alas, we have just passed two weeks of offering up meat for Lent and I must admit it really has been a sacrifice. (What I generally do NOT admit to most is that there are more menus listed as: 'cereal' than I care to claim) I have tried a few recipes on the family such as: "Sweet Potato and Bean Burritos" and "Meatless Rendang".
Let me put it this way...after we had eaten under my creative watch for nearly a week and I informed the masses (as Dad was on a business trip) that there would be the above-mentioned "C" word for dinner, my dear son Noah whoops it up and states...and I quote..."Woohoo! Something good for dinner tonight".
I must explain to you the feelings I had at that moment. I do believe that my Lent has taken a slight bent from my intention, but isn't that always a bit true? I have had very good ideas for the past several years for Lent and had been derailed by a seemingly yearly bout of stomach flu with the kids or something that prevented me from offering what I wished to bring to God for a sacrifice.
It seems that both God and life have a better idea of from where my sacrifice should come. Perhaps it is many nights of "C" for dinner as a sacrifice. Perhaps I am learning to just be patient and, though my aim is sincere, my goal should be more to respond with grace and acceptance instead of our dear Martha in the bible who feels 'put out' that her service is not given more attention or accolades. A humbling moment for this momma, but a good lesson in itself upon reflection.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mardi Gras......Well, A Dinner off For Me! : )

It's Shrove Tuesday!
I am preparing for Ash Wednesday and my grocery list has increased itself in variety from the fruits and vegetables departments by quite a bit. I already bake bread weekly for our family's use, but I will try to incorporate more rustic and grainy breads into my usual baking. It will be somewhat a sacrifice to me in the planning and an increase in labor to put wholesome meals on the table, but part of my offering is to do it willingly and with a smile...and that means no grumbles as I will have to remind myself some of these days to come, which I humbly admit that I will struggle with. I may even have to put a post-it note on every square inch of the kitchen and dining room to remember, but I will try to believe that it will not go to that degree. We shall see what is in store for these next seven weeks.
For tonight, however, my Mardi Gras includes the children's decorating the dining room and a full meal deal from Kentucky Fried Chicken. has probably been six months since we've had fried chicken and I think that, coupled with my husband offering to pick it up on the way home, makes for a fantastic and relaxing afternoon (so I can fit in a blog post. LOL!)
Tomorrow, as in tradition also, we will fast and have two very small meals and Pakistani Mash Daal that I picked up from Catholic Relief Services several years ago when the rice bowls were handed out. We liked it so much as a family that we eat it frequently throughout the year, but it has become a family tradition on Ash Wednesday for supper. The recipe is below.
I remind myself, as the ashes to symbolize my sin are placed on my forehead tomorrow and the words, "Woman, you are from dust and to dust you shall return." are said over me, that life is relatively short and we are all prone to sin. It's all about what I do with what God calls of me that will make a difference to those close to me during my life. Know, love, and serve God with a joyful heart. That is the core of our calling as I am teaching my First Communicant from the Catechism.
Sure, I fail. Daily. But every day I will get up and try again to do better than yesterday.
I pray that you may receive many graces during your Lenten journeys this year.
God Bless!

PAKISTANI MASH DAAL: (copied from CRS web site; link below)

  • 3 cups dried lentils
  • 1½ onion, thinly sliced
  • 5 cups water
  • 1½ tsp chili powder
  • ¼ tsp turmeric
  • ¼ cup oil
  • 2 tsp ginger
  • 1 Tbsp cumin
  • 1-4 cloves garlic, chopped (to taste)
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped
  • Salt (to taste)

Wash and drain the lentils. In a large pot heat the oil, and then add thinly sliced onions, garlic, ginger, turmeric, salt and, cumin, and chili powder. Fry until golden brown and crisp. Add the tomatoes and stir well for about 10 minutes.

Add the water and heat until it reaches a boil. Put lentils in the pot and continue to cook at a full boil, stirring frequently, until the lentils are half-cooked. Finally, put on the lid and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve hot over rice.

This recipe serves 6 people.

Copied from:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lenten Sacrifice

Every year I wonder what we, as a family, can sacrifice for the Church's season of Lent. Since our children are still below the age of individual sacrifice, we still do a family-type sacrifice so that all may participate and embrace the season of sacrifice from a young age. Most years, it has been the obvious candy or sweets or desserts we abstain from during Lent.
The past three years, however, were their own living Lent, as our children always seemed to start off the week of Ash Wednesday with the stomach virus and it would "remain with us" like the very worst visitor only to rid ourselves of the infernal bug and stumble into Holy Week half awake and weak. Though that certainly was good penance, I do tend to hope that this Lent will be different, as one can never wish for that type of seven week prayer life.
"Please, Lord....if the two year-old would at least stop getting sick everywhere..."
Since I am not pregnant and our smallest one is no longer a baby and I am not on a doctor prescribed low-carb diet...I thought we could do something very different from the norm, but still be a sacrifice for the family. So, this year, we are going to eat a vegetarian diet. My husband is...rightfully...concerned about the children's protein intake, so I am keeping eggs, dairy, and cheese in the staple diet.
The truth is that I grew up on a farm. A hog farm. Meat was an everyday staple in my diet and my father was a consistent meat-and-potatoes man. I do not think that I have gone more than 3 or 4 days without some kind of meat in my diet. Myself, my husband, and our kids all really like meat...especially beef and chicken.
I have never done something like this before, but I think that we are up to making this sacrifice. The truth is that I could do little more than make chocolate chip cookies when I was first married and I have come a long way through the tutelage of my cooking-background husband, but I admit that I am a bit daunted, but nevertheless ready (or more ready after reading about 10 library books on vegetarian cooking).
I expect there to be a mild rebellion with our children, but we shall see...
I will be posting recipes that worked well for a large family with a research sample of 8 and sharing a little of the humor and situations that are sure to accompany this journey.
And, as the words of the priest will remind us this Wednesday, "Woman, you are from dust and to dust you shall return."
Life is short. We will find joy in our sacrifices if they are offered in the right spirit.
Always with me are the words of St. Therese of Lisieux: "Do small things with great Love."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Timeless Valentine's Day Gift

In 1999, I had been married for 27 months and had a 17 month-old and a 3 month-old baby. We did not have a lot of money at that time. Valentine's Day was coming and I wanted to give Mike something special that year. So, I took an empty glass "Taster's Choice" jar with a lid and made it, through the help of my computer and some glue, to resemble a bottle of medicine by pasting on paper labels.
The front reads: "Happy Valentine's Day 1999" and the back reads: "RX: Take one capsule when you feel down, or sad, or just need a pick-me-up. Read it carefully to reveal one of the many reasons I love you. *Refill upon Request*"
These "capsules" or folded pieces of paper each have one of the reasons that I love Mike written on them. It is so inexpensive, but he counts this as one of the most special things I have ever given to him in our entire marriage. I use a small font and write out things like: "For changing the baby's diapers when I am tired" or "For letting me read and relax for a night while you watch the kids" or "For the blessing of our children.". He was reading them last night and broke out into laughter at some of the more humorous incidents I referred to and the more romantic ones I had written led to a sweet kiss.
Over the years, the things have changed greatly that I have been able to write more specific ones because life changes so much and your time together expands. He always requests a refill for Valentine's Day. So, this is always one of my gifts to him. It is nearly free and makes such a great difference. See if your spouse feels the same as mine does about these little "love notes".
Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Homeschool Funny of the Day

This morning, as I was teaching homeschool, Noah looks over to me after I had graded his paper and asked, "Mom, what does a 'B' mean?"
So, I answered. "Well, a 'B' represents above average knowledge of the information."
"Oh..." Noah, then has a wrinkled brow, so I know that there is a 'D' understanding of my response. I tackle a broader explanation.
"Noah, an 'A' stands for an excellent understanding of what you learned. 'B' grade is above average.'C' is average. 'D' is below average. And 'F' is a failure to understand what you were to have learned."
Noah, still with a furrowed brow, looks to me and asks, "What about 'E'?"

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Humanity in Simplicity

I have come with many years of humility behind me to the realization that I am a fairly simple-minded woman. I was given, by God, a very high amount of emotion to my being and a healthy dose of imagination. Perhaps that is the impetus behind my love of writing and reading.
Over the years, I have wished myself different. More confident, more logical and less emotional, as that is where many of the sins I bring to confession stem from. Anger, impatience, lack of self-discipline, etc...
However, I realize that what God has wanted me to do was to just love myself. So simple! Not love myself more than God, nor my spouse, nor my children or family, but enough to forgive, accept, and work with the "clay" of myself that I have been given here for this brief time on earth. I can alter my outward actions and I can change those things and deny what will lead me to sin, but I have not been able to eradicate the core of myself, that which I have always thought lacking. But I was made in the image of God and that is not what He wished in creating me this way. He had a plan for me here, just as I am.
We all sin. We all suffer. Some of us suffer in a more obvious way. Some of us suffer in only the deepest depths of our souls. But, we do all suffer in some way. That is the simple nature of humanity.
In the depths of myself, I want to be a good and loving woman, a generous neighbor, pleasing to God. Every morning I wake up with the intention of living up to that person. It is the hurdle of fighting my humanity all the day long that is the real challenge.
But, there is hope at the end of every day. For Jesus IS Mercy. The Sacraments are with us still. The day is filled with "ora et labora" for my family, which brings me joy. I have been shown so many times, how God can show us His Divine Intervention, even in our small and simple needs. To remember a heart of gratitude for the things we have.
Finding the Joy in the Simple.
And as Bob Carlisle put into lyrics: "..We fall down, We get up, And the Saints are just the sinners who fall down, And get up...."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quick Tip: Easy Instant Guacamole

Here is something that I came up with today that worked fairly well for making instant guacamole. I had a small ripe avocado that I needed to use and made an instant guacamole for lunch today for me with a few tortilla chips.
1 small ripe avocado
1/8 tsp. sea salt (or a pinch of iodized)
1 cube frozen cilantro...from Trader Joe's (or 1 tsp. fresh chopped, or omit...but less flavor)
1 TBS. prepared jar salsa

Directions: Cut avocado in half lengthwise. Remove seed. Scoop out pulp and mash in a small bowl with a fork to desired consistency. Add salt, cilantro (i used a fork to crush up frozen cube), and salsa. Stir and enjoy with tortilla chips or on a salad.

Catholic National Reader Goes 'Pulp Fiction'

Well.....maybe not 'pulp fiction', per se, but my children (5 of 6 at this point) have all learned to read primarily through an old series of hardback books called "Catholic National Readers".
The Primer/One is always a favorite to the older children as the younger child is reading. They speak of remembering the reading of passages with fondness and enjoy hearing them even more that when they had read it aloud.
I think that the books are wonderfully challenging and the stories are full of nostalgia and "proper" English that I realize we have somewhat let go of, so the phrasing of some passages are confusing, though they are actually written properly.
Though most lessons are mostly benign and teach morals, there is one particular Lesson that my children have always read with a mixture of either horror, disgust, or hilarity....sometimes all of the above. (Hilarity is usually reserved for the veterans of this passage.)
That is Lesson XXXVII.
I am sure that, as the original book was published in the 1890's, that rodents were even more of a problem than the random assortment of rogue mice in a home or rats that proliferate within the various sewer systems.
However, this certain lesson has become the anticipated cornerstone for our older children when they know it is soon to be read by the younger sibling.
With an eagerness that would raise a brow in most, my graduates of the CNR Primer watch the reading child intently for their particular reaction to the passage.
I admit more inwardly to be slightly nauseous at the enlightening lesson, but I do allow this excitement and ceasing of all other activities and studies to...once again...relish the words of the author on this particular day.
Perhaps the author of this passage had a rough night with such rodents and thought to take his vexation out in words of alertness and caution as to the dastardly deeds of the four-legged pests.
Nevertheless, I shall keep you in suspense no is Lesson XXXVII of the Catholic National Primer.

" ...1.We all know what a rat is, or we think we do. Yet how few there are who can tell much about it.
2. We know that a rat has very sharp teeth, black eyes, and a long tail, and that it has its nest in a hole. But we do not know much more.
3. Then let us hear what a learned man says about the rat and its ways.
4. He tells us in one of his books, that he once saw two rats steal and egg. And this is how they did it.
5. One rat lay down on its back, and took hold of the egg with its paws. Then the other took hold of the first one's tail, and pulled it along, egg and all, till they came to their nest, when in went the egg, and the rats after it.
6. The same man saw three or four rats steal some sweet oil. The oil was in a bottle with a long, narrow neck, and Mr. Rat could not get at it.
7. But he did not mean to give it up. So one rat ran his tail into the neck of the bottle, then pulled it out, and let the other rats lick the oil off his tail.
8. After a little while, the first rat gave way to a second, and then took his turn at licking the oil."

...Well, I'm hungry!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Random Things Overheard

Here are some of my random funnies for the week....most from 2 year-old Katie Beth.

1) (In church, no less...) "Mom, can I have the gun in your purse?" (Gum!!!)
Then she proceeds to literally yell this out louder when my attempts to ignore her fail and, of course, the parish now believes they have a woman with six kids "packing heat" in the pews.

2) "I wanna try the maggot! I wanna try the maggot!"
Which, after only a moment of panic, I came to find out meant the MAGNET that my son was using to totally empty out my husband's coin dish in one very long chain of change....say that five times fast...

3) "Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell, Tinker all the way......." (Most recently sung as a unique version of 'Jingle Bells')

4) "Clean up! Clean up! Happy Birthday, Clean up!" (Many of you who had 90's babies may recall the Barney 'Clean Up' song in which the word EVERYBODY is in place of my child's favorite phrase.) But, with so many birthdays in this family, I can see this thing happening...

5) Her favorite movies right now are requested by the titles: "Hi-Barbie" and "Barbie-Cracker", which are respectively; "Holly Hobbie" and "Barbie in the Nutcracker". As an aside, she also dances around the room like a ballerina and yells out, "I'm a cracker! I'm a cracker!"

How can we not smile?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Where Have I Been??

Well, my dear husband graduated from college with his MBA in May of 2010! As is typical of a pending graduate, he began searching for a position in January of 2010 (1 year ago!) and it became clear that credentials and education were little match for the economy slump as over 200 applications were sent out and only 2 positive responses!
God has been so good to us, but he did not promise the ride would be smooth, nor lack for stress and more gray hair!!
He received a position as financial analyst and is working hard to promote Snapple and Dr. Pepper! ;-)
We managed to sell our old house and purchase a new home, not realizing the full impact of something called an "occupancy code" and what that would mean for our large family. In short, one of our new neighbors saw the 'number' of children playing in our back yard and called the code enforcement on us. We were served papers and the real test of faith and stamina began. It was hard for our children, as the calls and threats continued, we were faced with criminal charges for having too many children in our 2000 sq. foot home. (I am still not entirely over this emotionally, I believe). (Here is the math: there must be at least 50 sq. ft. of sleeping space per person in a bedroom designated for 2 or more and 70 sq. ft. per person if the room is qualified for 1 person. Bunk beds are obviously not counted as legitimate sleeping quarters for children.)
Yet, our Faith reminds us God is there through the Holy Spirit, working through others and showing His power in our daily lives and needs. Thanks go to some amazing and fantastic people we have met here, the support of our Peoria friends and our families and especially my parents, we made it through the difficulty. And, in hindsight, this was a very minor problem compared to the struggles that so many others endure. But, as you are going through something painful like that, you still feel the negative impact.
Now, the good news: We had money come in that we were not expecting that paid for the egress window that had to be put in the basement to render another bedroom approved to sleep 3 people. We both had the threat of police action against us and at the same time a Catholic policeman, who is also the father of six children, helping to put our window in.
So, I am truly thankful with all I have, I am so grateful to have a warm home, food for my children, our military men and women who are protecting us, a job for my husband that is supporting us, six beautiful children that I am blessed to homeschool, and a wonderful network of family and friends supporting us.
God Bless and Happy New Year!