Well, my dear husband graduated from college with his MBA in May of 2010! As is typical of a pending graduate, he began searching for a position in January of 2010 (1 year ago!) and it became clear that credentials and education were little match for the economy slump as over 200 applications were sent out and only 2 positive responses!
God has been so good to us, but he did not promise the ride would be smooth, nor lack for stress and more gray hair!!
He received a position as financial analyst and is working hard to promote Snapple and Dr. Pepper! ;-)
We managed to sell our old house and purchase a new home, not realizing the full impact of something called an "occupancy code" and what that would mean for our large family. In short, one of our new neighbors saw the 'number' of children playing in our back yard and called the code enforcement on us. We were served papers and the real test of faith and stamina began. It was hard for our children, as the calls and threats continued, we were faced with criminal charges for having too many children in our 2000 sq. foot home. (I am still not entirely over this emotionally, I believe). (Here is the math: there must be at least 50 sq. ft. of sleeping space per person in a bedroom designated for 2 or more and 70 sq. ft. per person if the room is qualified for 1 person. Bunk beds are obviously not counted as legitimate sleeping quarters for children.)
Yet, our Faith reminds us God is there through the Holy Spirit, working through others and showing His power in our daily lives and needs. Thanks go to some amazing and fantastic people we have met here, the support of our Peoria friends and our families and especially my parents, we made it through the difficulty. And, in hindsight, this was a very minor problem compared to the struggles that so many others endure. But, as you are going through something painful like that, you still feel the negative impact.
Now, the good news: We had money come in that we were not expecting that paid for the egress window that had to be put in the basement to render another bedroom approved to sleep 3 people. We both had the threat of police action against us and at the same time a Catholic policeman, who is also the father of six children, helping to put our window in.
So, I am truly thankful with all I have, I am so grateful to have a warm home, food for my children, our military men and women who are protecting us, a job for my husband that is supporting us, six beautiful children that I am blessed to homeschool, and a wonderful network of family and friends supporting us.
God Bless and Happy New Year!