Top Ten Things That Will Probably Happen When Mom is Sick:
#1-Dad will probably get to work and find that his to-go coffee
mug has coffee and SOAP in it.
#2-Someone will give the baby a marshmallow so that she may
explore many fibers, hairs, and items that will attach to her sticky self.
#3-The kids may make frozen waffles for breakfast and
use a whole container of chocolate syrup as the topping.
#4- A snack may consist of animal crackers with melted
cheese over the top and dipped in ketchup.
#5-The tinging sound in the background may be your
two little boys dropping their die cast Thomas trains
down the laundry chute.
#6-"Why don't you play a puzzle?" means that each child gets
out their own puzzle and proceeds to dump all the pieces to all
the puzzles into the center of the same table.
#7-Your babysitter for the day goes by the name...."Gamecube".
#8-You have a countdown to the second as to when Dad is
going to be home.
#9-Your child may have spilled a cup of juice and may have
wiped it up with a bath towel and may have thrown it down
the chute and it may have dyed your husband's underwear bright
pink when you dig into the laundry in a few days.
#10-Cereal for dinner!
you're such a good comedy writer, angie... should put this all in a book and publish it :)
LOL! Chocolate is good for you, so they did fine with the waffle thing.
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