Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Back On the Blog!

Wow...after much of forgetting passwords and such, I found my way back to my blog. I have plenty to write on and plenty of time to sit at the computer today because my infant daughter is ill with the croup and a nasty head cold so we are vegging out.
I hope that this will be legible and that I even remember writing it because after three days without much sleep, I am having a hard time remembering how to pour a bowl of cereal. My husband is in no better shape. His 36th birthday was yesterday...Happy Birthday, Honey!...and he is so tired from finishing this semester in his MBA program, working full time, PLUS spending any time with me and our six kiddos, I'm surprised we're not just sleepwalking.....wait.....I think we are. Not sure. I'll have to get back with you after some sleep. (eyes crossed)
The whole house has some head cold/croup going on so we sound like some tragic band in concert of sniffs, coughs, and "horn" blowing. In a fit of pique yesterday, I wondered whether we should make a go of some type of CD release.
We are, however, on the cusp of a trip to Walt Disney World hosted and paid for by my parents and my sister and BIL. The kids, though not running at 100%, were excited to have a week off homeschool and preparation for the big trip. My whole family, except on sister and hubby, will be going down there and we are looking forward to having a blast. I hear them in the background watching the free DVD from Disney and talking.......and coughing, sniffling, and crouping....
Baby is finally asleep.
Better get SOMETHING done while I have a moment..

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