Saturday, January 10, 2009

Life in Perspecive

I am jumping in here with a 'life in perspective' moment. We do tend to, as humans, place too much weight on some things and not enough on other more important things in our lives. A saying that I cannot remember the origins of comes to mind. The saying states that if you hold a pebble right up near your eye, the eye must focus entirely on it and is unable to proper see much else. Stretch your arm out and hold the pebble as far away as you can. Only then is the pebble in its proper perspective and you are able to place that which you were so focused on away from consuming you and into a more manageable place and where it should be in relation to your life.
To expand upon our humanity, please visit this site, which will only emphasize where we really are to our universe. But, isn't it wonderful how special and important we are, even then!

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