Friday, June 6, 2008

In the Beginning...Blog Intro

If there was ever a point to be made, it is this: having a large family is not for the faint of heart. It requires so many things to make it work that humor is what makes things lighten and brings more joy than frustration. The true stories in this blog are meant to be a humorous look at the occurrences that seem to frequent large families. I found that we have found more joy and laughter with each other and our friends and family and doctors and...well, you get my point ...when we cast a positive and humorous light on those times. This is what I hope you will receive from reading this blog. To smile and enjoy a good laugh and knowing that others are out there smiling with you. Large families are a blessing that is bestowed with much humility in this day and age. It is something to be proud of.
The title came when my family was attending a meeting and a friend of mine and I were laughing about the trials of getting each of our five and six children ages ten and under dressed for the event... trust me, with six children, any leaving of the house is an event! During this conversation of a comedy of errors to just reach the minivans, my friend mentioned that her husband had no clothes ready to wear, so she mentioned the laundry room. And his response with a humorous sigh was, “I’m living out of the dryer!”.
The blog title was born.

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